When you hear the words social events, when you have a stoma bag, many things spring to mind… what will I wear? how do I conceal my bag so no one will see it? What if I have a leak? What if my bag balloons? There’s so many different scenarios that run through your head especially if you’re at the beginning of your journey.

For me preparation is key! If you are well prepared you will enjoy the event rather than worrying about it so start by preparing an emergency kit that you can take with you just incase. Then for the ladies a bag this will fit into and for the gents a jacket or coat with a pocket that will hold it. Wear something you feel comfortable in. This may be something that’s loose around your stoma, darker clothing or something which ruffles or wraps over to hide any signs of the bag ( good underwear also helps!). Change your bag before going out that way you know you have a fresh bag.

If you know you may be consuming alcohol ensure to up your hydration between alcoholic drinks and after and consume some jelly babies or marsh mallows beforehand  to keep the output thicker. It’s always a good idea to have dioralyte before and after drinking alcohol.

If you do happen to have a leak and you’re in an awkward position like at a table and you know it has come through onto your clothing, pretend to spill something on yourself, that way you have an excuse to cover it with something and walk to the bathroom without embarrassment or an excuse to leave but remember if your not prone to having leaks you most likely won’t!

Try and relax and not think about it too much! This will only make you nervous which in return may affect your output. Treat it like any other day and try not to think the worst! Don’t let your stoma bag control what you do, where you go and what you wear. Always remember you are in control of your stoma bag!


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