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Get in touch

Send us an email, give us a call on 0800 220 300 or 0800 028 6848 (NI), or fill in the online form below to sign up

Leave it to us

Choose Respond as your go-to stoma prescriptions supplier and we'll take care of the rest

Your order, your way

You can choose a delivery time and date to suit your schedule, so you can kick back, relax, and carry on with your day

Our promise to you

We take promises, and your well-being, seriously – so you can expect more zen and less hassle when you order your prescription with us


We send personalised, discreet, and unbranded deliveries direct to your door

98% of our customers rated our quality of packaging as excellent or very good


Kick back and relax – we will get hold of the products you need without worry

99% of our customers felt they received excellent or very good service


We’ll keep you in the loop about your order. We’re also here to chat when you need it, too

99% of our customers said they found it easy to contact us


We complete ongoing training to ensure we can give you the best advice, tailored to your needs

96% of our customers would recommend us


Forget waiting around for your prescription to show up. Set or reschedule your delivery to suit your schedule

94% of our customers rate the quality of delivery service from our delivery partners, DPD, as excellent or very good


Got a favourite stoma care or continence product? We’ve got them all from a range of manufacturers

98% of our customers said we were excellent or very good at keeping stock levels of the appliances they need

If you needed another reason to join Respond

With your order you will receive our very own Connect magazine designed especially for ostomates, their families, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. Each issue is a treasure trove of invaluable information, heartfelt personal stories, and expert advice, all aimed at empowering our vibrant stoma community. Discover tasty stoma-friendly recipes, practical tips, and inspiring narratives that celebrate resilience and triumph over adversity!

Users love us!

"Lewis – Respond customer"

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Users love us!

"Lewis – Respond customer"

Absolutely superb company. The level of care and service is amazing. My only regret is that I wish I'd switched sooner. Gone are the days of forgotten deliveries, missing items, and hours lost waiting for someone to pick up the phone. Respond is excellent in every respect.

Users love us!

"Ian – Respond customer"

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Users love us!

"Ian – Respond customer"

Really impressed at how in front of the game Respond are and get the orders in great time which was one of my fears initially. They do all the work for me.

Users love us!

"Eva – Respond customer"

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Users love us!

"Eva – Respond customer"

I have been getting my appliances from Respond for 9 years. I was with one other company for 2 years but I couldn't get on with the appliances and I phoned this family company and I am so happy with everything they are always making sure I have everything I need they even tried to get your order out as soon as possible when you need it in an emergency!

Users love us!

"Maria – Respond customer"

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Users love us!

"Maria – Respond customer"

Always a lovely and polite person on the phone, never have to wait before someone answers, after I put my supplies order, I’m always asked if there is anything else I need, been using Respond for two years. Thank you to all the team, always nice to know that there is help the other side of the phone.

Love when things are simple?

If you live in England and Wales, switching to Respond is even easier.  
If your surgery offers the NHS EPS, simply choose Respond as your go-to stoma prescriptions supplier. Your GP will contact us with your prescription and save you even more time.